177 7s J. Berridge
Christ altogether lovely. Ps. 45. 2; Song 5. 16
Soon as faith the Lord can see,
Bleeding on the cross for me,
Quick my idols all depart,
Jesus gets and fills my heart.
[None among the sons of men,
None among the heavenly train,
Can with Jesus then compare;
None so sweet and none so fair.]
Then my tongue would fain express
All his love and loveliness;
But I lisp and falter forth
Broken words, not half his worth.
Vexed, I try and try again;
Still my efforts all are vain;
Living tongues are dumb at best;
We must die to speak of Christ.
[Blessèd is the upper saint,
Who can praise and never faint,
Gazing on thee evermore,
And with flaming heart adore.]
[Let the Lord a smile bestow
On his lisping babes below,
That will keep their infant tongue
Prattling of him all day long.]