197 104th Augustus Toplady
Invincible Grace. Ps. 110. 3; Tit. 3. 5
How mighty thou art, O Lord, to convert;
Thou only couldst conquer so stubborn a heart,
For thy love to lost man alone could constrain
So stiff-necked a rebel to love thee again.
Through thee I embrace the ransoming grace,
Of him who has suffered and died in my place,
Though I strove to withstand the force of thy hand,
Thy Spirit would conquer, and I was constrained.
In vain I withstood, and fled from my God,
For mercy would save me through Jesus’s blood.
I felt it applied, and I joyfully cried,
Me, me thou hast loved, and for me thou hast died.
For sinners like me thy mercy is free,
Who hunger and thirst for redemption by thee.
Lord, gather in more; make this the glad hour;
Compel them to yield in the day of thy power.