289 L.M. J. Fawcett
“And he led them forth by the right way.” Ps. 107. 7
Thus far my God has led me on,
And made his truth and mercy known;
My hopes and fears alternate rise,
And comforts mingle with my sighs.
[Through this wide wilderness I roam,
Far distant from my blissful home;
Lord, let thy presence be my stay,
And guard me in this dangerous way.]
[Temptations everywhere annoy,
And sins and snares oft make me sigh;
My earthly joys are from me torn,
And oft an absent God I mourn.]
My soul, with various tempests tossed,
Her hopes o’erturned, her projects crossed,
Sees every day new straits attend,
And wonders where the scene will end.
Is this, dear Lord, that thorny road
Which leads us to the mount of God?
Are these the toils thy people know,
While in this wilderness below?
’Tis even so; thy faithful love
Does all thy children’s graces prove;
’Tis thus our pride and self must fall
That Jesus may be all in all.