675 C.M. D. Herbert
Freedom of Access to a Throne of Grace. Heb. 4. 16
Come boldly to a throne of grace,
Ye wretched sinners, come;
And lay your load at Jesus’ feet,
And plead what he has done.
“How can I come?” some soul may say,
“I’m lame, and cannot walk;
My guilt and sin have stopped my mouth;
I sigh, but dare not talk.”
Come boldly to the throne of grace,
Though lost, and blind, and lame;
Jehovah is the sinner’s Friend,
And ever was the same.
He makes the dead to hear his voice;
He makes the blind to see;
The sinner lost he came to save,
And set the prisoner free.
Come boldly to the throne of grace,
For Jesus fills the throne;
And those he kills he makes alive;
He hears the sigh or groan.
Poor bankrupt souls, who feel and know
The hell of sin within,
Come boldly to the throne of grace;
The Lord will take you in.