720 7s W. Gadsby
“Worthy is the Lamb.†Rev. 5. 12
Endless blessings on the Lamb!
Broken hearts, repeat the same;
His dear heart was broken too,
When he bore the curse for you.
Your dread crimes once pierced his heart!
Sank his soul in vengeful smart;
But his sin-atoning blood
Now maintains your peace with God.
Endless blessings on him rest!
Broken hearts in him are blessed;
And though they may trembling stand,
He upholds them with his hand.
In his heart they have a place,
’Stablished there through sovereign grace;
And, in his set time and way,
He will change their night to day.
Trust in him, ye tempted saints;
Tell him all your sad complaints;
He a present help will be –
Give you strength and victory.
Blessed Jesus! fill each heart
With thy love, and blood, and smart;
Then thy wonders we’ll proclaim,
And adore thy matchless name.
Endless blessings rest on thee!
Thou hast set the captive free;
We would shout aloud and sing,
Glory to our God and King!