380 8s R. Burnham
Praying for Confidence. Mark 9. 23, 24
O Jesus, thou fountain of grace,
Enlighten, enliven my heart,
And show the sweet smiles of thy face
And from me bid evil depart;
Pronounce, O pronounce I am thine;
A sinner once purchased by blood;
And may I for ever recline
On the bosom of Jesus, my Lord.
Thou great and compassionate King,
Drive all my sad doubtings away;
And let me with confidence sing,
“The Saviour expired for me.â€
The witness that I am thy child,
O Jesus, to me now impart;
The pleasing sensation will yield
Unspeakable joy to my heart.
Bestow this rich blessing on me,
And heaven below I shall prove;
I’ll then go exulting in thee,
And tell of thy wonderful love.
Lord, teach me thy cause to maintain;
For constant support to thee fly;
And fight till the conquest I gain.
Resolved for thy glory to die.