42 C.M. S. Stennett
Excellency of the Scriptures. Ps. 19. 10; Luke 24. 32
Let avarice, from shore to shore
Her favourite god pursue;
Thy word, O Lord, we value more
Than India or Peru.
When God the Holy Ghost reveals
The riches it contains,
And in the conscience safely seals
The grandeur of its lines;
Then mines of knowledge, love, and joy
Are opened to our sight;
The purest gold without alloy
And gems divinely bright.
The counsels of redeeming grace
Those sacred leaves unfold;
And here the Saviour’s lovely face
Our raptured eyes behold.
Here light, descending from above,
Directs our doubtful feet;
Here promises of heavenly love
Our ardent wishes meet.
Our numerous griefs are here redressed,
And all our wants supplied;
Nought we can ask to make us blest
Is in this book denied.