561 C.M. W. Gadsby
“Every battle … is with confused noise.†Isa. 9. 5
Jesus our heavenly Warrior is,
He fights our battles well;
His wisdom, love, and power displays,
And conquers death and hell.
When this almighty Warrior stood
The church’s woes to bear,
Sin, Satan, and the curse of God,
In blazing wrath drew near.
He bore their every poisonous dart,
Nor from God’s vengeance fled;
Hell seized his agonisèd heart,
And, lo! he bowed his head.
He stained his garments in their blood,
And, O victorious King!
In triumph rose the conquering God,
Sweet victory to sing.
He satisfied the claims of law,
In that tremendous day;
Let saints from hence their comfort draw,
And sing their cares away.
O for a living faith to view
The victories of the Lamb;
And sweetly lean upon him too,
Nor fear to trust his name.