172 L.M. Samuel Medley
“Though I be nothing.†2 Cor. 12. 9, 11; 6. 10
Jehovah’s awful name revere,
In humble praise, with holy fear;
In glory throned, divinely bright,
All worlds are nothing in his sight.
[The numerous proud, self-righteous host,
Who fondly of their something boast,
Will find their something nothing more
Than what will prove them blind and poor.
O may my soul such folly shun,
Nor ever boast what I have done;
But at God’s footstool humbly fall,
And Jesus be my All in All.]
Though of myself I nothing am,
I’m dear to God and to the Lamb;
Though I have nothing, I confess,
All things in Jesus I possess.
I can do nothing, Lord, ’tis true,
Yet in thy strength can all things do;
Nothing I merit, Lord, I own,
Yet shall possess a heavenly throne.
[Thus something, Saviour, may I be,
Nothing in self, but all in thee;
And when in glory I appear,
Be something, and yet nothing, there.]