702 7s John Berridge
“I will take away the stony heart.” Ezek. 36. 26; 11.19; Ps. 51. 10
Self-condemnèd and abhorred,
How shall I approach the Lord?
Hard my heart, and cold, and faint;
Full of every sad complaint.
What can soften hearts of stone?
Jesus’ precious blood alone;
When the Spirit it imparts,
That will soften hardest hearts.
This would bruise my bosom well,
Make it with God’s praises swell;
Squeeze my idols from my breast,
Bring the blessed gospel-rest.
O! the rock which Moses struck,
Soon would make my heart a brook;
Only this can make me feel;
Bring it with thy burial-seal.
With its oil my limbs anoint;
That will supple every joint.
Of its honey let me eat;
That will make my temper sweet.