521 104th W. Gadsby
“Dead to the law.” Rom. 7. 4, 6; Gal. 2. 19-21.
Thanks be to my Head, the great King of kings,
My life from the dead, the death of my sins;
Who took all my woes, and was made sin for me;
Who died, and who rose, and from sin set me free.
His Spirit he sent, to soften my heart;
The old veil to rend, and life to impart;
To bring me from darkness to light in the Lord,
And kill me to Moses, to sin, and the world.
Thus I, through the law, dead to the law am,
Yet married am I to Jesus the Lamb!
This union is sealèd, all heaven’s agreed;
>From sin and from Moses I henceforth am freed.
My soul, then, rejoice; let Christ be thy song;
With heart and with voice, with lip and with tongue,
Before men or angels, sing, Worthy’s the Lamb
Of unceasing praises, for ever. Amen.