583 8.7.4. W. Gadsby
“I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10. 15
O my soul, admire and wonder;
Jesus lived and died for thee;
He has broke the bands asunder,
And from bondage set thee free.
Sweet deliverance
Jesus Christ has wrought for me.
[I a slave to sin and Satan
Once did live, and liked it well;
But the God of my salvation
Died to save my soul from hell.
Precious Saviour
Let me ever with thee dwell.]
All the debts I had contracted,
He, in mercy, called his own;
And lest I should be neglected,
Drew me near his gracious throne;
Paid all charges,
Then, and for the time to come.
Soon I hope to see his glory,
And, with all the saints above,
Sing and tell the pleasing story,
In the highest strains of love;
And for ever
Live and reign with him above.