856 C.M. J. Hart
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” Rev. 5. 6-12
We sing thy praise, exalted Lamb,
Who sitt’st upon thy throne;
Ten thousand blessings on thy name,
Who worthy art alone.
Thy bruisèd, broken body bore
Our sins upon the tree;
And now thou liv’st for evermore,
And now we live through thee.
Poor sinners, sing the Lamb that died;
What theme can sound so sweet?
His drooping head, his streaming side,
His piercèd hands and feet;
With all that scene of suffering love
Which faith presents to view:
For now he lives and reigns above,
And lives and reigns for you.
[Was ever grace, Lord, rich as thine?
Can aught be with it named?
What powerful beams of love divine
Thy tender heart inflamed!]
Ye angels, hymn his glorious name,
Who loved and conquered thus;
And we will likewise laud the Lamb,
For he was slain for us.