614 S.M. W. Gadsby
“The Lord trieth the righteous.” Ps. 11. 5
The Lord the righteous tries;
Yet we’ll adore his name;
He never will their cause despise,
Nor put their hope to shame.
He brings them to the test,
And tries them by his law;
Then leads them to the promised rest,
From whence they comfort draw.
Then he his face conceals,
And by his Spirit’s power reveals
The dreadful plague of sin.
We straightway cry, “Unclean!
A monstrous mass of woe!
What can such hosts of evil mean?
And whither can we go?”
“Look here,” the Lord replies;
“Thy beauty’s all in me;
’Tis thine to flee from self, and prize
Salvation full and free.
“Whate’er my wisdom does,
Or lets the tempter do,
Thy guilt and ruin to disclose,
One thing I keep in view –
“To teach thee how to live
By faith in Jesus’ name;
For guilt and sin to mourn and grieve,
And sing the Lamb once slain.”