147 7s J. Berridge
Christ a Protector of the Wretched. 1 Sam. 22. 2
All in debt or in distress,
Discontented more or less,
All who would protection have,
Post away to David’s cave.
All who find their sinful debt
Deep and deeper growing yet;
All who have been Satan’s tool –
Much his madman or his fool;
All who discontented are,
Full of guilt and full of fear;
Every soul who would not die,
Unto Jesus’ cave must fly.
[Jesus all your debts will pay;
Chase your legal duns away;
Every foe he will subdue –
World, and flesh, and devil too.]
Haste, and seek the Saviour’s face;
Rise, and bless him for his grace;
To his scornèd cave repair;
He will wash and feast you there.