1092 C.M. J. Kent
“Loose him, and let him go.” John 11. 44; Isa. 45. 13
Till God the sinner’s mind illume,
’Tis dark as night within;
Like Lazarus in the dreary tomb,
Bound hand and foot by sin.
Yet though in massy fetters bound,
To God’s free grace a foe,
The gospel has a joyful sound:
“Loose him, and let him go.”
Sinners shall hear this joyful sound,
When God designs it so;
Grace shall beyond their sins abound;
“Loose him, and let him go.”
Justice, beholding his attire,
No more appears his foe;
He says, “I’ve all that I require;
Loose him, and let him go.”
He stands accepted in his name
Whose blood for him did flow;
The holy law proclaims the same:
“Loose him, and let him go.”