677 C.M. D. Herbert
Prayer Meeting. Ps. 17. 1; 32. 5, 6
Behold, dear Lord, we come again,
To supplicate thy grace;
We feel our leanness and our wants;
We want to see thy face.
Thou know’st, dear Lord, for what we’re come;
Each heart is known to thee.
Lord, give our burdened spirits rest,
And bid us all go free.
We’ve nothing of our own to plead,
We come just as we are;
And who can tell but God may bless,
And drive away our fear?
While one is pleading with our God,
May each one wrestle too;
And may we feel the blessing come,
And cheer us ere we go.
Then shall we sing of sovereign grace
And feel its power within;
And glory in our Surety, Christ,
Who bore our curse and sin.
For this we come, for this we plead,
In spite of every foe;
Until thou give this blessing, Lord,
We would not let thee go.