542 7s W. Gadsby
Christ our High Priest. Heb. 3. 1; 7. 26; 2. 17
Jesus is my great High Priest;
Bears my name upon his breast;
And that we may never part,
I am sealed upon his heart.
All my sins were on him thrown;
He for them did once atone;
He did all my debts discharge,
And has set my soul at large.
By his own atoning blood,
He my wounded spirit cured;
Washed and made me white as snow;
Cleansed me well from top to toe.
[He the vail has rent in twain;
Through his flesh I enter in;
And with him for ever rest,
In the Lord’s most holy place.]
He has bought me with his blood;
Reconciled my soul to God;
Made me meet for glory too,
And will bring me safely through.