654 7s W. Gadsby
Baptism. Matt. 3. 15; Luke 3. 21; Acts 10. 47
We adore the Lord the Lamb,
And rejoice in his dear name;
He has shed his precious blood,
To redeem our souls to God.
Once we lay immersed in sin;
Every part and power unclean;
Enemies to all that’s good,
We despised the Saviour’s blood.
But the Lord, by grace divine,
Brought us to abhor the crime;
And, to make his wonders known,
Gave us faith in Christ, his Son.
Thus redeemed and saved by blood,
We esteem the ways of God,
And would gladly him obey,
In his own appointed way.
’Tis from love to Christ, our Head,
We his footsteps wish to tread;
And when we his unction feel,
We with pleasure do his will.