405 L.M. J. Kent
Exulting in Eternal Union with Jesus. John 17. 21-23
’Twixt Jesus and the chosen race,
Subsists a bond of sovereign grace,
That hell, with its infernal train,
Shall ne’er dissolve nor rend in twain!
This sacred bond shall never break,
Though earth should to her centre shake;
Rest, doubting saint, assured of this,
For God has pledged his holiness.
[He swore but once; the deed was done;
’Twas settled by the great Three-One;
Christ was appointed to redeem
All that his Father loved in him.]
Hail, sacred union, firm and strong!
How great the grace! how sweet the song!
That worms of earth should ever be
One with incarnate Deity!
[One in the tomb; one when he rose;
One when he triumphed o’er his foes;
One when in heaven he took his seat,
While seraphs sang all hell’s defeat.]
This sacred tie forbids their fears,
For all he is or has is theirs;
With him, their Head, they stand or fall –
Their Life, their Surety, and their All.
[The sinner’s Peace, the Daysman he,
Whose blood should set his people free;
On them his fond affections ran,
Before creation-work began.]
Blessed be the wisdom and the grace,
The eternal love and faithfulness,
That’s in the gospel-scheme revealed,
And is by God the Spirit sealed.