985 112th J. Cennick
“Ho, every one that thirsteth.” Isa. 55. 1
Ho, ye despairing sinners, hear,
Ye thirsty, sin-sick souls, draw near;
Here’s water, whose all-powerful stream
Shall quench your thirst and wash you clean,
Its healing power has always wrought
Beyond the reach of human thought.
Bethesda’s pool is not like this,
Nor heals nor cures such leprosies;
Nor Siloam’s streams, nor Jordan’s flood,
Could to my heart seem half so good;
’Tis Jesus’ blood, that crimson sea,
That washes guilt and filth away.
To this dear Fountain I’d repair,
With all the wounds and pains I bear;
I’d keep my station near its side,
And wash, and drink, and there abide;
Nor from the sacred streams remove,
Till taken to their source above.