941 L.M. Samuel Medley
“Whom have I in heaven but thee?” Ps. 73. 25
Jesus, my Lord, my Life, my All,
Prostrate before thy throne I fall;
Fain would my soul look up and see
My hope, my heaven, my all in thee.
Here in this world of sin and woe,
I’m filled with tossings to and fro;
Burdened with sin, and fears oppressed,
With nothing here to give me rest.
In vain from creatures help I seek;
Thou, only thou, the word canst speak
To heal my wounds, and calm my grief,
Or give my mourning heart relief.
Without thy peace and presence, Lord,
Not all the world can help afford.
O do not frown my soul away,
But smile my darkness into day.
I long to hear thy pardoning voice;
O speak, and bid my soul rejoice;
Say, “Peace, be still; look up and live;
Life, peace, and heaven are mine to give.”
Then, filled with grateful, holy love,
My soul in praise would soar above;
And with delightful joy record
The wondrous goodness of the Lord.