632 8s W. Gadsby
The Believer Safe in Christ. John 3. 15, 16
Whoever in Jesus believes,
The blessing is sure to obtain;
A full and free pardon Christ gives,
To all that confide in his name;
Nor Moses, nor Satan, nor sin,
Can sentence believers to hell;
No evil, without or within,
Shall ever against them prevail.
Till he who immensity fills,
Whose name is Jehovah, I AM,
Who governs the sun, moon, and stars,
And measures the earth with a span;
Till this God can fall from his throne,
His promise and faithfulness fail,
Omnipotence weakness become,
And hell against heaven prevail –
Till then the believer’s secure,
Though devils against him unite;
His faith stands in Jesus’s power,
And Christ all his battles will fight;
The feeble shall all be made strong;
Then let them rejoice in their King;
The warfare will cease before long,
And they a sweet victory sing.