285 L.M. W. W. Horne
Complaint. Ps. 61. 2; Lam. 1. 16
O for a heart to seek my God,
Encouraged by his gracious word,
To view my Saviour all complete,
And lie submissive at his feet!
To thee, almighty God, to thee,
My Rock and Refuge, would I flee;
Now tides of sorrow, rolling high,
Appear to mingle earth and sky.
To see thy saints in mourning clad,
And foes by their distress made glad,
O’erwhelms my soul with poignant grief;
Lord, send thy servants sweet relief.
[Though safe in Christ thy saints abide,
Nor can their life be e’er destroyed;
While thy dear cause is thus suppressed,
My burdened soul can take no rest.]
Arise, O God, thy cause defend;
Deliverance unto Zion send.
Arise, arise, O God of might,
And put thy threatening foes to flight.
Pity thy poor, dejected few;
Our souls revive, our strength renew;
Collect thy scattered flock once more,
And open wide the gospel-door.