864 8.7. J. Hart
At Recommending a Minister. 1 Cor. 3. 21-23
Holy Ghost, inspire our praises,
Touch our hearts, and tune our tongues;
While we laud the name of Jesus,
Heaven will gladly share our songs.
Hosts of angels, bright and glorious,
While we hymn our common King,
Will be glad to join the chorus;
And the Lord himself shall sing.
Raise we, then, our cheerful voices
To our God, who, full of grace,
In our happiness rejoices,
And delights to hear his praise.
Whoso lives upon his promise,
Eats his flesh and drinks his blood;
All that’s past, and all to come, is
For that soul’s eternal good.
[Happy soul, that hears and follows
Jesus speaking in his word!
Paul, and Cephas, and Apollos,
All are his in Christ the Lord.
Every state, howe’er distressing,
Shall be profit in the end;
Every ordinance a blessing,
Every providence a friend.]
[Christian, dost thou want a teacher,
Helper, counsellor, or guide?
Would’st thou find a proper preacher?
Ask thy God, for he’ll provide.
Build on no man’s parts or merit,
But behold the gospel plan;
Jesus sends his Holy Spirit,
And the Spirit sends the man.]
[Bless, dear Lord, each labouring servant;
Bless the work they undertake;
Make them able, faithful, fervent;
Bless them, for thy church’s sake.
All things for our good are given;
Comforts, crosses, staffs, or rods;
All is ours in earth and heaven;
We are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.]