970 7s (Author Unknown)
“The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost.†1 John 5. 7
Holy Father, God of love!
Throned in majesty above,
Just and true are all thy ways,
Worthy of eternal praise.
Fill my heart with thy rich grace;
Then with joy I’ll run my race;
Christ’s fair image on me seal,
And thy love in him reveal.
Holy Jesus, Lamb of God,
Send thy healing word abroad;
Show how kind and strong thou art,
Let me see thy loving heart.
Holy Spirit, quickening breath!
Work in us thy precious faith;
Bless our hearts with gospel peace,
Furnish us with every grace.
Breathe upon us from above,
Teach us truth, and give us love;
All that feel thy quickening flame,
Will adore and bless thy name.