1105 L.M. Samuel Medley
“But one thing is needful.” Luke 10. 42; Ps. 73. 25
Jesus, engrave it on my heart,
That thou the one thing needful art;
I could from all things parted be,
But never, never, Lord, from thee.
Needful art thou to make me live;
Needful art thou all grace to give;
Needful to guide me, lest I stray;
Needful to help me every day.
Needful is thy most precious blood;
Needful is thy correcting rod;
Needful is thy indulgent care;
Needful thy all-prevailing prayer.
Needful thy presence, dearest Lord,
True peace and comfort to afford;
Needful thy promise to impart
Fresh life and vigour to my heart.
Needful art thou, my soul can say,
Through all life’s dark and thorny way;
In death thou wilt most needful be,
When I yield up my soul to thee.
Needful art thou, to raise my dust
In shining glory with the just;
Needful when I in heaven appear,
To crown and to present me there.