913 8.7. J. Kent
The Gospel Glad Tidings to Sinners. Heb. 7. 25
’Tis the gospel’s joyful tidings,
Full salvation sweetly sounds;
Grace to heal thy foul backslidings,
Sinner, flows from Jesus’ wounds.
Are thy sins beyond recounting,
Like the sand the ocean laves?
Jesus is of life the fountain;
He unto the utmost saves.
Hail the Lamb who came to save us;
Hail the love that made him die!
’Tis the gift that God has given us;
We’ll proclaim his honours high.
When we join the general chorus
Of the royal blood-bought throng,
Who to glory went before us,
Saved from every tribe and tongue,
Then we’ll make the blissful regions
Echo to our Saviour’s praise;
While the bright angelic legions
Listen to the charming lays.