1132 8.8.6. J. Kent
“I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee.” Exod. 20. 24
Where two or three together meet,
My love and mercy to repeat,
And tell what I have done;
There will I be, says God, to bless,
And every burdened soul redress,
Who worships at my throne.
Make one in this assembly, Lord,
Speak to each heart some healing word,
To set from bondage free;
Impart a kind celestial shower,
And grant that we may spend an hour
In fellowship with thee.
Guilt from the troubled heart remove,
Constrain the soul, by love, to love,
Release from slavish fear;
Then, though in tents of sin we groan,
We’ll sing like those around thy throne,
Till thou shalt bring us there.