1099 C.M. J. Hupton
“And he … wept bitterly.” Matt. 26. 75; Luke 22. 62
Jesus, omnipotent to save,
Exalted Prince of grace!
Light, life, and love, thou dost bestow
On men of vilest race.
The heart of steel to thee must yield,
The adamant give way;
The stoutest rebel bow and kneel,
And own thy sovereign sway.
Thy dying love, thy mercy felt,
Makes godly sorrow rise;
And tears of penitential grief
Gush from the sinner’s eyes.
Pardon through thy dear wounds and blood,
Thy gracious hand reveals,
And thy good Spirit on the heart
That gracious pardon seals.
“I hate my sins, I loathe myself,
O Lord!” the sinner cries;
“O quell my lust, nor let me fall!”
He prays with lifted eyes.