932 8.7.4. T. Kelly
“The streams ... make glad the city of God.” Ps. 46. 4
See, from Zion’s sacred mountain,
Streams of living water flow;
God has opened there a fountain,
That supplies the plains below;
They are blessèd
Who its sovereign virtues know.
Through ten thousand channels flowing,
Streams of mercy find their way;
Life, and health, and joy bestowing,
Making all around look gay;
O believer!
All thy sins are washed away.
Gladdened by the flowing treasure,
All enriching as it goes;
Lo, the desert smiles with pleasure,
Buds and blossoms as the rose;
Every sinner
Sings for joy where’er it flows.
Trees of life the banks adorning,
Yield their fruit to all around,
Those who eat are saved from mourning;
Pleasure comes and hopes abound;
Fair their portion!
Endless life with glory crowned.