769 8.7.4. Henry Fowler
“He bringeth them unto their desired haven.†Ps. 107. 30
Jesus, o’er the billows steer me,
Be my Pilot in each storm;
Hold me fast and keep me near thee,
For thou know’st I’m but a worm;
What concerns me,
By thy power and love perform.
Soon the tempest will be over,
To our destined port we sail;
Jesus, our eternal Lover,
Says his word shall never fail.
Storms shall never
Reach us more within the vail.
In the midst of tribulation,
Oft we cast a wishful eye
To our future habitation,
And by faith the shore espy;
Blest assurance!
We shall mount to dwell on high.
With what raptures he’ll embrace us,
Wipe away each falling tear!
Near himself for ever place us,
And with love our bosoms cheer;
We shall with the Lamb appear!