639 104th W. Gadsby
“Return unto thy rest, O my soul.” Ps. 116. 7
Return to thy rest, my soul, and rejoice;
Let Christ be thy boast, for thou art his choice;
And though sin and Satan, and their hellish guest,
Do vex and dishearten, Jehovah’s thy rest.
A sweet resting-place is Jesus to thee;
A fulness of grace, rich, sovereign, and free;
>From slavish works cease, then, and rest in the Lamb,
For Christ is thy freedom from wrath, law, and sin.
O yield not to fear, rest only in Christ;
His promise is sure: he’s Jesus thy Priest;
And by one atonement thy sin has condemned,
Then by himself sworn that he’ll love to the end.
Return, then, my soul, to Jesus, thy Rest;
By faith on him roll, and lean on his breast;
He will not deceive thee; his faithfulness prove;
He never can leave thee, till God is not love.