657 7s W. Gadsby
Baptism. Luke 12. 50; John 15. 14; Acts 10. 47
Tuned with love divine, we sing,
Glory to our God and King;
Matchless in his grace and power;
We behold, and we adore.
Once in floods of wrath, the Lamb
Sank, and called it baptism;
Overwhelmed was he indeed,
That his chosen might be freed.
[But he conquered when he fell,
And destroyed the powers of hell;
He in holy triumph broke
Sin and death’s tremendous yoke.]
[One with Christ, our living Head,
We were each considered dead;
With him, too, we rose again,
And with him must ever reign.]
Now with pleasure we attend
To his wise and just command,
And by faith therein we view
What the Lord for us went through.