682 S.M. W. Gadsby
“Thy will be done.” Matt. 6. 10; Luke 11. 2
While Jesus whispers peace,
And unctuously displays
The matchless beauties of his grace,
Our hearts approve his ways.
But when the Lord withdraws
The unction of his love,
His will we wickedly oppose,
His judgments disapprove.
So fickle, false, and blind,
Are these unstable hearts,
We only are to God resigned,
As he the grace imparts.
Father, thy will be done,
In words we oft express;
When in our hearts we want our own,
And wish our sufferings less.
Dear God, our guilt forgive,
Thy pardoning love display;
And may we to thy glory live,
Thy righteous will obey.
[Thy presence let us view,
And give our conscience rest;
The visits of thy love renew,
Then do what thou think’st best.]