1032 S.M. Henry Fowler
“How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?” Hosea 11. 8
“How shall I give thee up?”
(’Tis Jesus speaks the word)
“I am the sinner’s only hope;
I am thy gracious Lord.
“Rebellious thou hast been,
And art rebellious still;
But since in love I took thee in,
My promise I’ll fulfil.
“I’ve bound thee up secure,
’Midst all the rage of hell;
The curse thou never shalt endure,
For I’m unchangeable.
“My son, give me thy heart;
Let me thy sorrows bear;
’Tis not thy caution, power, or art,
Can save thee from despair.”
Lord, captivate my soul;
Subdue the power of sin;
My vile corruptions, O control;
Let faith the battle win.