778 104th J. Hart
“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” 1 Sam. 7. 12
Though strait be the way, with dangers beset,
And we on the way are no farther yet,
Our good Guide and Saviour has helped us thus far;
And ’tis by his favour we are what we are.
[A favour so great we highly should prize;
Not murmur, nor fret, nor small things despise.
But what call we small things – sin’s whole cancelled sum?
’Tis greater than all things, except those to come.]
My brethren, reflect on what we have been,
How God had respect to us under sin;
When lower and lower we every day fell,
He stretched forth his power, and snatched us from hell.
Then let us rejoice, and cheerfully sing,
With heart and with voice, to Jesus our King,
Who thus far has brought us from evil to good;
The ransom that bought us, no less than his blood.
For blessings like these, so bounteously given,
For prospects of peace and foretastes of heaven,
’Tis grateful, ’tis pleasant, to sing, and adore;
Be thankful for present, and then ask for more.