566 8s W. Gadsby
Christ All and in All. Col. 3. 11; 1. 19; 2. 9
Ye famishing, naked, and poor,
Distressèd, tormented, forlorn,
In Christ is a suitable store,
For all that unto him will come;
He’s Bread, and the Bread of Life too;
Well suited the hungry to fill;
Nor one that unto him shall go,
But what will approve the Bread well.
Yes, he is the true paschal Lamb,
Of which all his Israel must eat;
Not sodden, but roast in the flame
Of Sinai’s most horrible heat.
This, this is the true fatted calf
The Father gave orders to kill,
That prodigals might have enough
When feasting on fair Zion’s hill.
[The Wine of the Kingdom is Christ,
Provided for beggars distressed!
Which makes broken hearts to rejoice,
When with it the soul is refreshed.
He’s Water to cleanse and to heal;
The thirsty are welcome to drink;
A River that never can fail;
A Fountain that never can sink.
It always is full to the brim,
Of water of life and of peace;
From which blessings flow like a stream,
As free as the sun runs its race.
He’s marrow and fatness as well,
A fulness of every good;
Nor Gabriel is able to tell,
The blessings that in him are stored.]