216 8.8.6. J. Stevens
Exulting in Salvation by Grace. Ps. 34. 1-6, 22
Lord, come in thy appointed ways,
And teach me now to sing thy praise,
For thou art dear to me;
And all the openings of thy love,
In coming from thy courts above,
Prove I was dear to thee.
[Dear in primeval glory, when
Neither were angels made nor men,
Nor aught exist but God.
E’en then thy heart was fixed on me;
And now, through grace, I fix on thee,
By faith in Jesus’ blood.]
In this I make my greatest boast,
Though once to human reason lost,
That I am saved by grace;
With this bright hope I walk below –
That I thy purest love shall know,
And see thee face to face.
[Dear Lord, more drops of honey send,
From Christ, thy Son, the sinner’s Friend,
And larger make my share;
More grapes from Eshcol may I bring,
And of the heavenly Canaan sing,
Whilst I am stationed here.
And thus with many foretastes blest
Of yonder everlasting rest,
Held for me in thy hand,
May I thy house below resort,
And give my friends a good report
Of Canaan’s heavenly land.
And in these galleries of thy grace,
Show us, dear Lord, thy smiling face,
And bring thy presence near;
Nor from these earthly courts remove,
But send more showers of heavenly love,
Upon thy garden here.]