889 148th John Berridge
The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart
Say, is thy heart well broke,
And feels the plague of sin?
And hateth Satan’s yoke,
It sweetly once drew in?
Give Christ the praise; he broke thy heart,
And taught thee how to feel the smart.
[What if Mount Sinai’s smoke
Should darken all the skies,
And thy weak stomach choke,
And bring on weeping eyes?
It points the road to Zion’s hill,
Where grace and peace for ever dwell.
Thick glooms lie in the way
To Jesus’ heavenly light;
Before the gospel day,
He sends a legal night;
And while the legal nights abide,
No Christ is seen, although the Guide.]
The Lord is surely near
When drooping sinners pray,
And lends a gracious ear,
But steals himself away;
Regards their moan with pitying eye,
And brings at length salvation nigh.
O let the Lord bestow
That broken heart on me,
Which feeleth well its woe,
And blushing, looks to thee;
Amazed to see myself so vile,
And Jesus smiling all the while.