595 8s W. Gadsby
Free Grace. Eph. 1. 7; 2. 5-8; Rom. 5. 20
Free grace is the joy of my heart;
Its glories, with wonder, I trace;
To me it does freely impart
Rich blessings, just suiting my case;
No monster more wretched could be,
Nor less of God’s favour deserve;
Yet such is free grace unto me,
I never, no never can starve.
[Grace takes all my ruin and woe,
Nor murmurs my burdens to bear;
And grace in return makes me know
In Jesus I’m comely and fair.
In self I’m polluted and vile;
But grace sweetly speaks unto me,
It tells me, and that with a smile,
In Jesus I’m perfect and free.]
Its blessings, though rich and divine,
Are all without money and price;
A soul, though as wretched as mine,
May venture to hope and rejoice;
Its highest delight is to give
True riches to sinners undone;
Nor can it, nor will it deceive,
The soul that with Jesus is one.