571 148th W. Gadsby
“Behold my servant, whom I uphold.” Isa. 42. 1; 65. 1
Behold, with wondering eyes,
The Servant of the Lord;
On wings of love he flies,
His counsels to unfold!
He comes, he comes with truth and grace!
And Zion shall behold his face.
Behold him as your Head;
Your Husband, and your Friend;
Your Saviour, and your God,
Your Way, your Life, your End.
Behold him as your Shepherd dear,
And on him rest when danger’s near.
Behold him as your King,
Whose laws are peace and love;
Mercy and judgment sing,
And set your minds above.
Behold him as your great High Priest,
With Zion’s name upon his breast.
Your Counsellor to plead,
Your Prophet he to teach;
A Daysman he is made,
To make up every breach.
On him depend; before him fall;
Behold him as your All in All.