662 7s W. Gadsby
“This do in remembrance of me.” Luke 22. 19
O the matchless love of God!
He has bought our souls with blood!
Jesus, our exalted Head,
For us sighed, and groaned, and bled.
He invites us to this feast;
Bids our souls his glories taste,
And with pleasure keep in view,
What he once for us went through.
Hear him speak, ye savèd few,
For this word is sent to you,
You, the objects of his choice,
Listen to his saving voice:
“This my body is, and blood;
Take, receive it as your food!
But, as oft as this you do,
Keep your slaughtered Lord in view.
[“View him in your wretched place,
Overwhelmed in deep disgrace;
Plunged in horror’s dreadful flood,
The vindictive wrath of God.]
“View him, and with wonder tell,
He has vanquished death and hell;
Cancelled all your sins with blood,
And will bring you home to God.”