1070 112th R. Hill
“O Lord, I am oppressed.” Isa. 38. 14
Thou Friend of friendless sinners, hear,
And magnify thy grace divine;
Pardon a worm that would draw near,
That would his heart to thee resign;
A worm, by self and sin oppressed,
That pants to reach thy promised rest.
With holy fear, and reverent love,
I long to lie beneath thy throne;
I long in thee to live and move,
And stay myself on thee alone;
Teach me to lean upon thy breast,
To find in thee the promised rest.
Take me, dear Saviour, as thy own,
And with thy Father plead my cause;
Be thou my portion, Lord, alone!
O help me to obey thy laws;
And with thy gracious presence blest,
Give me to find thy promised rest.
Bid the tempestuous rage of sin,
With every furious passion die;
Let the Redeemer dwell within,
And turn my sorrows into joy.
O may my heart, by thee possessed,
Know thee to be my promised rest.