833 S.M. J. Hart
“I will sing of mercy and judgement.” Ps. 101. 1
Thy mercy, Lord, we praise;
Of judgment too we sing;
For all the riches of thy grace
Our grateful tribute bring.
Mercy may justly claim
A sinner’s thankful voice;
And judgment joining in the theme,
We tremble and rejoice.
Thy mercies bid us trust;
Thy judgments strike with awe;
We fear the last, we bless the first,
And love thy righteous law.
Who can thy acts express,
Or trace thy wondrous ways?
How glorious is thy holiness;
How terrible thy praise!
Thy goodness how immense
To those that fear thy name!
Thy love surpasses thought or sense,
And always is the same.
Thy judgments are too deep
For reason’s line to sound.
Thy tender mercies to thy sheep
No bottom know, nor bound.