850 C.M. J. Hart
Heaven. Rev. 7. 15-17; 2 Cor. 5. 1; Heb. 6. 20
Ye souls that trust in Christ, rejoice;
Your sins are all forgiven;
Let every Christian lift his voice,
And sing the joys of heaven.
Heaven is that holy, happy place,
Where sin no more defiles;
Where God unveils his blissful face,
And looks, and loves, and smiles;
[Where Jesus, Son of man and God,
Triumphant from his wars,
Walks in rich garments, dipped in blood,
And shows his glorious scars;]
[Where ransomed sinners sound God’s praise
The angelic host among;
Sing the rich wonders of his grace,
And Jesus leads the song;]
[Where saints are free from every load
Of passions, or of pains;
God dwells in them, and they in God;
And love for ever reigns.]
Lord, as thou show’st thy glory there,
Make known thy grace to us;
And heaven will not be wanting here
While we can hymn thee thus:
Jesus, our dear Redeemer, died
That we might be forgiven;
Rose that we might be justified,
And sends the Spirit from heaven.