45 C.M. J. Hart
Salvation by Christ alone. Rom. 11. 6; Gal. 3. 10
How can ye hope, deluded souls,
To see what none e’er saw,
Salvation by the works obtained
Of Sinai’s fiery law?
[There ye may toil, and weep, and fast,
And vex your heart with pain;
And, when you’ve ended, find at last
That all your toil was vain.]
That law but makes your guilt abound;
Sad help! and (what is worst)
All souls that under that are found,
By God himself are cursed.
[This curse pertains to those who break
One precept, e’er so small;
And where’s the man, in thought or deed,
That has not broken all?]
Fly, then, awakened sinners, fly;
Your case admits no stay;
The fountain’s opened now for sin;
Come, wash your guilt away.
See how from Jesus’ wounded side
The water flows and blood!
If you but touch that purple tide,
You then have peace with God.
Only by faith in Jesus’ wounds
The sinner finds release;
No other sacrifice for sin
Will God accept but this.