494 148th R. Burnham
“The Son of Man shall come.” Matt. 25. 31-46
On yonder glorious height,
King Jesus does appear,
Upon the judgment-seat,
With millions at his bar;
Behold the awful Judge is come,
To fix their everlasting doom.
Sinners must now come forth
And stand before the Lord,
Whose word they scorned on earth,
Whose children they abhorred;
Then speaks the Judge, “Ye sinners, go
From my blest face to endless woe.”
But now, my soul, behold
That host at his right hand;
O see the blood-washed world
Boldly before him stand;
How pleased they look, how bright they shine,
While Jesus cries, “These, these are mine!”
“These are my holy race;
These did resound my fame;
These prized redeeming grace;
These loved and feared my name;
And these shall now ascend with me
To mansions of eternal day.”