558 7s W. Gadsby
The Name of Christ. Col. 1. 19; 2. 9, 10; Matt. 1. 21
Sweet the name of Christ must be,
From and to eternity;
For it pleased the Father well,
Fulness all in Christ should dwell.
Jesus is his name, and Christ;
He my Surety is, and Priest;
He has saved my soul from sin,
And I stand complete in him.
[Unctuous is his heavenly love;
He anoints me from above;
When his heavenly odours flow,
I have joy and peace below.]
Head o’er all is Christ to me,
And I shall his glory see;
Therefore in his name I’ll trust,
And of him will make my boast.
All a hungry soul can want,
Jesus’ name will richly grant;
Not a blessing God can give,
But with Christ the church shall have.
May I ever here confide,
Let whatever ills betide;
And if sufferings must ensue,
Gladly bear those sufferings too.
May this name be all my choice;
If reproached, let me rejoice;
And with pleasure keep in view,
What the Lord for me went through.