1033 11s Henry Fowler
“Whither the forerunner is for us entered.” Heb. 6. 20
In Jesus combine all the riches of grace,
What glory and grandeur I see in his face;
Jehovah’s eternal and co-equal Son,
Took all our transgressions and made them his own.
Ye children of Zion, now dry up your tears;
For you the Redeemer in glory appears;
Now he lives, now he reigns, now he dwells in the sky,
To answer the needy whenever they cry.
Afflicted believer, thy cause he’ll maintain;
In dark dispensations his kindness he’ll prove,
And teach thee to prize his immutable love.
What though thy corruptions are many and strong,
Thy gracious Redeemer will help thee along;
His promise assures thee, when troubles assail,
Though hell should oppose thee, thy faith cannot fail.